[JDEV] Jabber 1.4pre2 Release

Lars Petersen lp at coder.dk
Tue Jan 23 09:00:42 CST 2001

>This is great news! 
>I was wondering if it would be possible to get a transport by transport
>break down of which ones currently work with the new 1.4 architecture and
>where to get them.

I have installed the MSN transport. This is the only transport that will
work with my fresh version of jabberd.
get it by doing a:

 cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at jabber.org:/home/cvs -z3 checkout msn-transport

I am desperately trying to get the ICQ transport working on my SunOS 5.8
system, but I am having little success. It keeps giving me "bus error"
and dumps the core...



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