[JDEV] Performance of jabber and IQ messages

Andy Hird andyh at myinternet.com.au
Thu Jan 18 19:10:40 CST 2001

Hi all, I'm currently playing around with Jabber and using it as a transport
for SOAP messages in a RPC like system.

I'm transporting SOAP envelopes as part of an IQ message (ie. the SOAP envelope
is just inside payload element of the IQ message). Then I have a jabber client
acting as the SOAP/RPC server and other jabber clients which can send RPC

All that is working fine.

Unfortunately the performance is not too good and I was wondering if the times
are seeing are typical for jabber or whether I'm doing something screwy.

I'm seeing an average time of around .5 s for an IQ message to go from one
jabber client to another. Both clients and the server are running one the same
machine (its Debian Linux with a 2.2 kernel). 
The messages are pretty small - around 800 bytes for both the outgoing request
and the incoming response.

I'm writing the clients in perl with the module Net::Jabber.

Anyone have similar timings? Any advice?


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