[JDEV] SMS and Jabber

Greg McCall greg.mccall at telstra.com
Tue Jan 16 15:32:41 CST 2001

SMS is a difficult subject.
As was pointed out earlier, you will probably see a decrease in so called "free" SMS services.

Carriers are moving this year to charge for those short messages sent between carriers (as is the case for voice traffic)
This basically means that the carrier must charge the originator of the message or they will suffer a revenue loss by being charged for the outgoing message (assuming it will go to another carrier ...)

Charging issues are usually the hardest thing to solve with SMS
Different countries have different ideas behind charging (some enforced by the local laws)
eg In Australia, we charge for the submission of the message and I think in the US, the message is charged for the delivery (with plans for the first 100 messages being included in the mobile service price being common)

Once you introduce charging, you need to be able to verify the charged party to substantiate the charge.
This is hard to do (and why Telstra does not "directly" provide email to SMS)
For Jabber to easily integrate into SMS, the carrier needs to be able to identify the charged party. That may be the sender or it may be the receiver who turns on (or elects to receive) a chargeable message. For the receiver based charging, effective filtering schemes are needed together with both handset (non WAP) and web based control over the filtering and the ability to turn the message reception on and off.

I can tell you that probably the most used protocol for connecting to these message centres is SMPP (version 3.3 although a lot can do 3.4)
Telstra uses SMPP to connect to both its CDMA and GSM networks (and to interconnect between these networks)

Greg McCall - greg.mccall at bigpond.com

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