[JDEV] Interesting "service" vs "xdb" vs "agent" thing

David Waite dwaite at jabber.com
Tue Jan 9 16:24:48 CST 2001

Also - I have not tried it, but it may be possible to do something 
similar to the following:

<xdb id='xdbhandler'>

<service id='xdbhandler'/>

-David Waite

Matt Diez wrote:

> Depends on how attached you are to XDB packets, and
> if you can build your handler to accept other
> types of packets. Put simply, the way a
> base_accept service functions is the exact same
> way that a base_accept xdb functions. Meaning,
> set it up as a service (just change your xdb tags to
> service), and direct your user directory requests to it.
> Basically, build a second handler to handle iq's or
> whatever type of request and have it talk
> to the db... You're not bound to using XDB packets
> for messages that simply QUERY a database, so set
> up a similar handler that will accept <iq> requests.
> Matthew D. Diez
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis Noordsij [mailto:dennis.noordsij at wiral.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:48 PM
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: [JDEV] Interesting "service" vs "xdb" vs "agent" thing
> Hi,
> Suppose I have an external xdb handler connected to a database.
> This handler is already pooling connections to the database, and could 
> easily
> also be a searchable user directory.
> However, it is defined in jabber.xml as xdb, not a service. Therefore, 
> if I
> make it an agent entry for it jabber doesn't know what to do with it. 
> I.e., a
> search request does not get sent to the handler.
> Any ideas on how to do this?
> (Handler is connected via base_accept, tcp/ip socket. It handles all 
> xdb and
> vCard related stuff, and could also very easily handle searches, if I can
> find a way to tell jabber about it).
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