[JDEV] Where to begin

Greenman greenman at infosat.net
Mon Jan 8 06:33:39 CST 2001

We have set out to build a project which involves a lot of distributed 
components. Each of these components needs to communicate, not always to 
each other, often only to a server, but there will be a need to allow 
components to talk amongst themselves.

Most components are software, but some are humans. Some will only connect 
at regular intervals, some will always listen.

We would like to use Jabber as our messaging platform.

Where should we begin ? What kind of options do we have to achieve this ?

Do we build a new transport ?
Do we use etherx ?
Should we write a server module ?

--))  )) )  ))) )) )  )    )   ))  )    )   )      )))))  ) )  ))
   P E T E R  B R O W N E L L      words: 083 254 1491
    W E B   D E V .  M A N .       paper: 011 405 6010
                                   bits: Greenman at infosat.net
                                   ICQ: 63708432

    I  N  F  O  L  I  N  E        Johannesburg, South Africa

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