[JDEV] XDB Component in Java

David Barth dbarth at idealx.com
Fri Jan 5 04:10:00 CST 2001

> Matt Diez a écrit :
>   <xdb id="xdb">
>     <host>xdb.</host>
>     <accept>
>        <ip/>
>        <port>5265</port>
>        <secret>test</secret>
>     </accept>
>   </xdb>
> The xdb component successfully connects, and handshakes, but NEVER
> receives any packets...

Can you show some example packets in the main jabberd instance ?
> Can anyone suggest what I may doing incorrectly here, or tell me some
> sort of workaround that
> doesn't involve base_connect?
> Alternatively, could someone explain the significance of the <host>
> element?

The <host> tag is supposed to act as a filter. So you won't receive
packets unless their addressed to='xdb.'.


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