[JDEV] Creating new users and Groups

Todd Bradley TBradley at jabber.com
Thu Jan 4 17:56:08 CST 2001

I'd do this:

1. Create a user account through whatever Jabber client your users will use.
2. Take a look at the .xml file that contains all the information about that
3. Based on that, write a script (using whatever scripting language seems
fun at the time) to suck usernames out of my password file and create a .xml
file for each user.

The .xml file format used for account information is very easy to understand
and "reverse engineer", even if you don't know XML.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael French [mailto:mfrench at ashevillemail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 4:50 PM
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: [JDEV] Creating new users and Groups
>     I have just setup Jabber 1.2 on a Redhat linux box for my 
> company.  We
> plan on using it just internally.  I have two questions.
> 1.  What would be the easy way to create a large group of 
> users without
> having each of them logging in and doing it themselves.  I 
> would like to
> create all the users myself and just give them the loggins, 
> that way I can
> create standardized logins.
> 2.  I want to be able to create groups of users for different 
> departments.
> I want to be able to push these groups out so that each users is not
> creating their own.  I don't mind them adding there own 
> groups once they
> start using the system, I just want a couple of groups that 
> are default and
> that everyone has.  How can I do this?
> Thanks for the help!  This list has been great at giving help 
> and advice to
> a jabber newbie!
> Michael French
> Asheville Citizen-Times
> IT Dept.
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