[JDEV] Java XML Parsers

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Sun Dec 30 08:18:38 CST 2001

On Sun, Dec 30, 2001 at 01:18:14PM +0000, Al Sutton wrote:
> Daniel,
> I'm going to mail you off the list as I feel wev've strayed of the
> jabber path a little to far to be of interest to most.

  Sure, no problem. One of the key design point of using XML as the
definition of the Jabber protocol structure is that it avoids a huge
amount of peripheral problems that other "text" based protocols have
struggled with (SNMP, HTTP, etc.) especially things like encoding and
charset support for non-ASCII, line breaks and space definitions,
case-sensitivity, extensibility.
  I agree that the specific details should not be raised at the Jabber
level precisely because those should have been ironed out at the lower
level. This also explain my attitude w.r.t. XML conformance which may
sounds pedantic, but really is intended to protect the Jabber community
from problems that affected more or less seriously other text protocol



Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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