[JDEV] Announce: new ICQv7 transport

Filip Sielimowicz sielim at wp-sa.pl
Mon Dec 10 03:00:14 CST 2001

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, alex_ wrote:

>  Hello,
>  I've written ICQ transport with support of v7 ICQ-protocol.
>  It is built on top of libicq2000 (ickle.sf.net) and
>  JECL (Jabber External Component Library, jabber.tigris.com).
>  I haven't been testing it very carefully and want to perform
>  it now, I'll publish it in a week...
>  Features of ICQv7-t is limited by libicq2000 functionality and
>  include just presence and messaging through server now.

That's great !

I work on this too.
I have too less documentation about protocol, but this is, what we have

- Presences - sending statuses of users.
- Presences - adding new users, subscription and "UserAddedU" messages.
   - this is not finished.
- Messages - Normal, URL.
- Offline messages request, receiving and ack.
- Short and Advanced Search (!)
   - the protocol is fully implemented, but not all fields are
     used in responces.

What we are going to do soon:
  - multimessages - no documentation ...
  - Auth Request/Given/Denied - protocol is implemented, but documentation
    ... We need some more dokumentation about when/why/how to use it.

The source code is based on ickle-0.1.2 ICQ client classes (modified and
expanded, some bugs fixed, it compiles under standard RH 6.2, no <sstream>
or "sigc" headers ... - this was horrible ...).

We are also working on documentation in doxygen, but this is not wery
advanced idea yet.

We are very interested in cooperation, mainly the documentation and Your
source code.
We offer all our source code (but this is in state of little disorder -
ickle classes mixed with old icq-transport-9.x, much code not used any
more, some comments in Polish 08= . It also needs some small changes in 
jabber source code - so the lib.h file can be included from c++. But SNAC
class hierarchy is nice.) and more if possible ...

In a moment we have also some problem with stability - bad use of pth
causes segmentation faults from time to time... But this is not
very interesting ...

Best regards !

Filip Sielimowicz
Wirtualna Polska S.A.

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