[JDEV] setting presence generates odd error?

Dustin Puryear dpuryear at usa.net
Fri Aug 31 11:26:07 CDT 2001

I am still getting:

20010831T16:25:50: [warn] (-internal): jsm: Invalid Recipient, returning
data <presence from='test_1 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Receive'>
<show>available</show><x xmlns='jabber:x:delay'
from='test_1 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Receive'
20010831T16:25:56: [warn] (-internal): jsm: Invalid Recipient, returning
data <presence from='test_1 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Receive'>
<show>available</show><x xmlns='jabber:x:delay'
from='test_1 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Receive'
20010831T16:25:58: [warn] (-internal): jsm: Invalid Recipient, returning
data <presence from='test_0 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Sender'>
<show>available</show><x xmlns='jabber:x:delay'
from='test_0 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Sender'

Debug output from test_0 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Sender is:

opening connection to viagra.vedalabs.com on port 5222
sending '<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <stream:stream
to='viagra.vedalabs.com'  xmlns='jabber:client'
xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' >'
recieved <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream
xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='3B8FBA96'
xmlns='jabber:client' from='viagra.vedalabs.com'>
sending '<iq type='set' id='3B8FBA96'>  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'>
<username>test_0</username>   <password>password</password>
<resource>Sender</resource>  </query> </iq>'
recieved <iq type='result' id='3B8FBA96'/>
sending <presence> <show>available</show></presence>
sending <message to='test_1 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Receiver'
from='test_0 at viagra.vedalabs.com/Sender'>  <body>0 999274972 864631 I
enjoy using punctuation Yes I really do Where are the periods
damnit</body> </message>
sending </stream:stream>

Where is the 'jsm: Invalid Recipient' error coming from?

Regards, Dustin

On Thu, 2001-08-30 at 16:31, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Thursday, August 30, 2001, at 01:15 PM, Dustin Puryear wrote:
> > At first I was using "Available" instead of "online," but Matt
> > suggested I try online. Both generate the above error.
> According to the JPO, the correct spelling is "available". That might be 
> your problem ... the server is probably doing a case-sensitive 
> comparison.
> Also, this is the default value so you can just remove the <status> 
> sub-element entirely if you like.
> --Jens
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Dustin Puryear <dpuryear at usa.net>
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