[JDEV] mod_time portability woes

Matt Diez matt at vedalabs.com
Mon Aug 27 10:10:38 CDT 2001

Doing some porting of the Jabber server to AIX. And you cats keep upping the
ante on me.

Pulled the latest release off of CVS

In mod_time.c, line 66

Which, in the Linux world, pulls up a three letter representation of the
time, yet, in
the JPG, it is a full textual representation (no abbreviation).

<iq type="result" from="hamlet at denmark" to="horatio at denmark" id="1001"> 
	 <query xmlns="jabber:iq:time">
        <tz>Central European Time</tz> 
        <display>2000/01/06 6:35:29 AM</display> 

Can anyone tell me what the "officially" accepted timezone format is?

Matthew D. Diez

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