[JDEV] reason for dual message delivery?

Seth Ladd seth at picklematrix.net
Fri Aug 3 13:24:05 CDT 2001


I'm using the jabberbeans library to "jabber-ize" some of my 
applications.  Would there be a reason why a message would be delivered to 
my application twice?  I am using WinJab as my client.  Looking at its 
logs, I am sending out the message once.  Looking at the debug output from 
jabberd, which is highly verbose :), it appears that its sending the 
message twice to my application.  The app then responds twice, which is 

This is my first full experiment with Jabber, so it's quite likely that I'm 
not connecting to the server quite right.  But that's another question for 
another email. :)

Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,

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