[JDEV] IQ queries sent to client vs. handled by server?

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Thu Aug 2 13:53:37 CDT 2001

On Thursday, August 2, 2001, at 07:02 AM, Thomas Charron wrote:

>   Why is this a bad idea?  Use jabbaer:x:*, which is meant for 
> extentions.

I think you mean "jabber:iq:", since "jabber:x:" is for use in <message> 

The reason I think this is a bad idea is that, as I understand it, the 
"jabber" namespace is owned by jabber.org for things that are part of 
the Jabber specification. Other developers should use their own 
namespaces. (Similarly, 3rd party Java developers should not use package 
names starting with "java." since those are reserved by Sun.)

>   And don't sound so darned negative about everything, it'll give ya
> wrinkles..  8-)

Oh, I'm not negative about most things, but this one really shocked me. 
It's the worst-designed thing I've seen in Jabber yet.

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