[JDEV] IQ queries sent to client vs. handled by server?

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Wed Aug 1 12:21:15 CDT 2001

On Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at 09:05 AM, Thomas Charron wrote:

> The 'to' JID?  An example would be a jabber:iq:browse message.  If I 
> browse
> to 'tcharron at jabber.org', server handles it.  If I browse
> to 'tcharron at jabber.org/WinJab', it goes to the resource.

But the same "Generic XML Namespace Storage" draft says "Generic XML may 
also be stored public or private *on a specific resource*. When the 
recipient of the iq set is a resource of that user, the namespace is 
stored only on that resource and that resource then referenced in the 
main users browse data." (Emphasis mine.) Which implies to me that a 
later 'get' request made *on that resource* will return the set data, 
since otherwise why bother putting it there?

(In any case, I'm not talking about jabber:iq:browse, but to namespaces 
that are not known to the server. If that makes a difference.)

Might it be that the real answer is that the 'get' request will be 
handled by the server only if there is already data stored under that 
namespace, and otherwise dispatched to the client? That would make the 
most sense to me, and fits in with what Jeremie is so inscrutably 
alluding to in the draft <http://docs.jabber.org/draft-

(I had a longer gripe here complaining about how incredibly vague much 
of the documentation is, but I thought it over and decided to remove it. 
Except for this allusion to it :)


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