[JDEV] xdb_sql release

Benoit Orihuela borihuela at idealx.com
Thu Apr 26 08:43:13 CDT 2001

Hi all,

A release of xdb_sql had been uploaded in the contrib zone of
jabber.org (download.jabber.org/contrib). It is an xdb module for
Jabber 1.4 and later providing an SQL database backend for the Jabber

It is based on xdb_mysql (by the Jabber Team) from Jabber 1.0.
This version features 2 connectors for MySQL and PostgreSQL and a
generic mode for binding xdb operations to SQL statements.

This code was developped by IDEALX (http://www.IDEALX.org), for
LibertySurf Télécom (http://www.libertysurftelecom.fr).

This program is Open Source software and is subject to specific
conditions of distribution and modification (see the COPYING file).

The current version is for the 1.4 release, but we plan on improving
it (from the TODO file) :

	  V 1.x 
	      All Jabber 1.4 fonctionnalities
	  V 2.x 
	      Non-blocking mode (PostgreSQL, perhaps MySQL)
	      MIO based
	      CancelRequest support
	      Full generic query mapping
	      Db reconnect support
	      Stress test suite
	      Better error handling
	      Jabber:x:expire handling (internal, without server manually
	      Expiring messages, perhaps with a stored trigger, what about
	      MySQL ?)

	  V 3.0 

	      Posix Threads



Benoit Orihuela		

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