[JDEV] jabber:x:offline

Keith Minkler kminkler at jabber.com
Wed Apr 25 19:18:36 CDT 2001

jabber:x:offline is depreciated in favor of using mod_filter (jabber:iq:filter)
rules to accomplish the same things.. and frankly, I'm not sure if the server
even does anything with jabber:x:offline packets anymore.. =]

for example.. jabber:x:offline was used to tell the server to store
messages offline, or not to store them offline.. (which would cause
them to be delivered to the default resource, or bounced if there
was no online resource)...

mod_filter provides these capabilities, as well as the ability to forward
messages, act as alternate inboxes (resources) that accept messages, and
take action, as well as providing other server side filtering capabilities..

Unfortunatly.. I'm not sure if mod_filter's packets are documented anywhere
currently... I had written a few articles about using mod_filter.. but they
were located on the "old" jabber.org site..

if someone knows of a document for jabber:iq:filter that is floating around,
could you post it to this list, otherwise, I will have to write one up.. =]

On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 05:19:49PM -0500, Matt Diez wrote:
> Okay -
>   So what's the status on jabber:x:offline? Is that being killed clientside?
>   Are we still going to have server message storage?
>   Also - can someone detail the "action" and "match attributes in
> jabber:x:offline
>   messages.
> Matt Diez
> matt at vedalabs.com
Keith Minkler

Software Developer
Jabber.COM, Inc.
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