[JDEV] msn-transport problem in 2byte charactor

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Thu Apr 19 12:50:11 CDT 2001

On Wednesday, April 18, 2001, at 10:51 PM, Yooung-young Kim wrote:

> I'm using korean, (same 2byte as Japanese, Chinese).
> When I send to MSN messenger user,
> if I use only English, there is no problem.
> But when I send message in korean, it comes out broken, so i can't
> read it.

Sounds like some agent along the line -- either your Jabber client, or 
the server, or the MSN transport -- isn't using the right character 
encoding. You didn't specify what client you're using.

In any case, I think there are other mailing lists that are more for 
end-user issues like this.

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