[JDEV] Users-Agent Problem

Brazell, Bill bill.brazell at attws.com
Mon Apr 9 10:51:42 CDT 2001

I'm attempting to get Ryan Eatmon's users-agent user's directory to work but
am having a problem.  I receive a "Server Connect Failed" message when
attempting to find a user.

Hopefully someone will be able to help.

Here is a copy of my config.xml file:


The hostname exists in our internal DNS.  The component name does not.  I
have entered the component name into the local hosts file as follows:     localhost.localdomain     localhost

Here is the first service entry within my jabber.xml file:

<service type="jud" jid="users.etech-web.nwest.attws.com" name="ETech User

When I start users-agent in debug mode, I receive the following output:

"my" variable $sth masks earlier declaration in same scope at ./users-agent
line 267.
    DBI::db=HASH(0x870e2a4) trace level set to 2 in DBI 1.14-nothread
XML::Stream: new: hostname = (etech-web.nwest.attws.com)
XML::Stream: SetCallBacks: tag(node) func(CODE(0x871d5e4))
NJ::Component: SetCallBacks: tag(iq) func(CODE(0x86906e8))
NJ::Component: SetCallBacks: tag(presence) func(CODE(0x8689b28))
NJ::Component: SetCallBacks: tag(message) func(CODE(0x868961c))
NJ::Component: Connect: type(stdinout)
XML::Stream: Connect: type(stdinout)
XML::Stream: Send: (<?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream
xmlns="jabber:component:exec" >)
<?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream
xmlns="jabber:component:exec" >

When I select Find from within JabberIM, I receive this:

[root at etech-web users-agent]# 20010409T14:02:16: [alert]
(users.etech-web.nwest.attws.com): hostname maps back to ourselves!
20010409T14:02:16: [notice] (users.etech-web.nwest.attws.com): failed to
establish connection
20010409T14:02:16: [notice] (users.etech-web.nwest.attws.com): bouncing a
packet to users.etech-web.nwest.attws.com from
bbrazell at etech-web.nwest.attws.com/Work: Server Connect Failed

I think the first error is somewhat strange.  I want it to map back to the
local host.  I'm also not sure why the Stream module wants to send to

Does anyone have any idea of what I'm missing here?


Bill Brazell
AT&T Wireless

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