[JDEV] Detecting client/server disconnect?

Jens Alfke jens at mac.com
Fri Apr 6 12:24:51 CDT 2001

On Friday, April 6, 2001, at 10:14 AM, Chuck Wegryzn wrote:

> Well I can't answer to how jabber detects outages, but I can comment on 
> the SO_KEEPALIVE. You can program it to be any length of time (it's an 
> ioctl).

Oho. Stevens mentions this on p.201 — setting the timeout requires a new 
option: "TCP_KEEPALIVE ... is new with Posix.1g." He says it's "not 
widely implemented", which had caused me to ignore it, but the book is 
(C)1998 so perhaps things have moved forwards since then.

Does anyone know if the Jabber server uses this option? Should clients? 
What timeout?

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