[JDEV] Email or SMS transports?

David Bovill david.bovill at opn-technologies.com
Fri Apr 6 08:33:00 CDT 2001

The situation is I believe that most but not operators around the world have
interfaces to allow computer users to send SMS messages over their networks
via specialised protocols - usually TAP.

A variety of people and companies have made use of this to offer free SMS
messaging, via the web, or email. It's simply a case of defining and
maintaining the database of addresses and protocols, and adding an
abstraction layer.

Yes, the companies will be looking at ways to charge for, and restrict the
service, and I guess it may end up similar to ATM machines. So there is no
long term guarantee, but as far as I know it's free for now.

I am not sure if the open source WAP?SMS server has this database and
abstraction layer built in though?

> From: "Thomas Parslow (PatRat)" <patrat at rat-software.com>
> Reply-To: jdev at jabber.org
> Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 14:09:12 +0100
> To: David Bovill <jdev at jabber.org>
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Email or SMS transports?
>> Anyone working on these? Any suggestions?
>> In particular I'd like to see/use/organise a link up with the Kannel WAP/SMS
>> open-source project - oh and I'd like this for July 14th -:)
> Is it possible to do a free SMS transport? For services like ICQ and
> Lycos I assume it costs them a little bit but they absorb the cost.
> Plus I  read that (at least in the UK) the Mobile operators are going
> to start charging each other for messages sent over they're network,
> making free SMS services totally uneconomical.
> /me hopes it is possible :)
> Thomas Parslow (PatRat) ICQ #:26359483
> Rat Software
> http://www.rat-software.com/
> Please leave quoted text in place when replying
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