[JDEV] Remove User from Roster Group

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Wed Apr 4 18:08:45 CDT 2001

On Wednesday, April 4, 2001, at 10:03 AM, Matt Diez wrote:

> Probably a more comprehensive question would be, do I need to send ALL 
> roster item
> info EACH TIME I want to change a single attribute.

As far as I can tell from reading the docs, yes you do. The only way 
described for either the client or server to specify deletion is to set 
the "subscription" attribute to "remove", which then removes the entire 
roster item. [This isn't mentioned in the JPO but is in the JPG. Peter 
says he's going to update the JPO ASAP.]

Since there's apparently no way to specify deletion of individual bits 
inside a roster item, I have to assume that a roster item completely 
replaces the previous contents of the item, so you have to send over a 
whole new copy (minus the data you wanted deleted.)

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