[JDEV] Net::Jabber & Transports

Chris ckj at commtelcst.com
Fri Sep 22 20:13:46 CDT 2000

For a working Net::Jabber transport, see my pager_t at
 I have a new version with to post with more config options, a better
config file parser and envelope support, but you should get the idea ;-)
> Hi All,
> I'm new to Jabber and Jabber development, but am very interested in
> beginning development for some projects I'm working on. Specifically,
> I've set up my own Jabber server so I can use it for messaging from
> within a Perl application I'm developing. But I've got a couple of
> questions about getting it all working:
> 1. My Jabber server is up an working, but doesn't support other
> transports - such as ICQ and AIM. How do I configure it so it does? I
> tried uncommenting the appropriate <agents> sections, which caused the
> Transports I want to show up in Gabber, but the server cored when I
> tried to add a user from one of those transports to my Roster.
> 2. I'm planning to write a fairly simple Transport use Net::Jabber so
> that my Perl application can send messages. Unfortunately, the
> documentation is a bit thin in Net::Jabber::Transport. Once I connect
> with my transport, do I need to maintain a roster, etc.? How can I just
> send messages? Here's what I've got:
>   my $trans = Net::Jabber::Transport->new;
>   $trans->Connect(hostname => 'jabber',
>                 secret => 'test',
>                 transportname => 'test'
>                );
>   print $trans->Connected ? "We're connected!\n" : "We're not connected
> :-(\n";
>   # No message gets sent here.
>   $trans->MessageSend(to => 'dwTheory at jabber.salon.com',
>                     body => "Let's go grab some lunch!");
>   $trans->Disconnect;
> 3. Where shall I send patches for Net::Jabber?
> TIA!
> David
> -- 
> David E. Wheeler
> David at Wheeler.net
> AIM:   dwTheory
> ICQ:   15726394
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