[JDEV] jserver stability problem

Lars Hansson larshansson at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 09:17:44 CDT 2000

Allrighty, looks like i'm finally getting at something...
Attached you'll find 2 tcl scripts: login.tcl and crash.tcl. (and
libjabber.tcl etc)
login.tcl includes the (minimal) commands that has to be sent to the server
by the first client connecting.
crash.tcl simply crashes the server, unless login.tcl has been run before it
in wich case it does nothing.

Interesting points:
* You'll notice a 10 second delay in login.tcl. I run this script
immediately after the last transport starts and if this value is set to
anything shorter then the server crashes. This time also increases with the
number of names on the roster, number of tranports etc. 10 seconds is for a
virtually empty account with no roster or transports.
* Every single command in login.tcl must be sent. Try commenting out one and
see what happens (at least for me, that crashes the server)
* It doesnt matter at all what number you send to the jud, but you have to
send something.

It seems to me that jserver (or jud or whatever it is that causes this)
isn't properly initialized until at least one client has connected and


The scripts are pretty badly organized and you'll have to go thru them and
edit some things in order to use them (like hostnames and user and such)

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