[JDEV] IP address as against FQDN for agent id?

V.V.Srikanth vvsri at netscape.net
Tue Sep 19 23:35:17 CDT 2000


I am running jabber server and groupchat & yahoo transports on a server which
is not registered with the DNS. I therefore have to specify the IP address to
allow people connect to the server. Is it legal to use IP address for the
agent id in jserver.xml?

One-on-one chat works fine with the IP address in the name but when I specify
it as the agent id for groupchat and invoke groupchat with the IP address of
the server, I get the following message:

Tue Sep 19 22:53:44 2000  error/etherxs connection to etherxd was rejected:
Transport access denied.

Secondly.. (if the answer is yes to the above question) is it legal to specify
the same IP address for multiple agents?

I am at a loss here as I cannot get the server registered in the DNS. Any
insights would be appreciated.



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