[JDEV] jserver stability problem

Lars larshansson at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 08:28:37 CDT 2000

I have serious problem with the stability of the jserver.
If a client crashes, ie doesnt disconnect in a proper way, jserver will core
Te jserver.error log shows this:

Mon Sep 18 20:59:44 2000  warn/etherx error 'Interrupted system call'
reading from socket
Mon Sep 18 20:59:44 2000  warn/etherx error 'Operation now in progress'
reading from socket
Mon Sep 18 20:59:44 2000  warn/etherx error 'Operation now in progress'
reading from socket

Ater that it dumps core.
Since i'm trying to get the office to use jabber and also making a business
case out of it, this is slightly problematic (to say the least) and any help
would be appreciated.

-Lars Hansson

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