[JDEV] Yahoo transport and who's available

mallum breakfast at 10.am
Sat Sep 16 01:54:45 CDT 2000

Hi all;

Im having problems getting the yahoo transport to tell me who's available. 
(Im using Perl with the Net::Jabber module) and the 1.0 Jabba Server release.

I can register the Yahoo transport fine. I then send an available presence to
the returned ' yahoo.server.org/registered?username=XXXXXX&pass=XXXXXXX '
JID, which appears in my roster. I can the send and recieve messages with
yahoo. However I never seem to reieve presence messages from any subscribed
(both ways) clients, so I cannot tell who is and who's not online. 

I've seen a windows client (JabberIM?) that can do this, so it must be
possible ( with the same server ).

Im  unsure on once registered and sending a presence to the yahoo transport
what all the extra roster entries mean ; eg they include;

 mallum at yahoo.server.org 

(where mallum is my login name for the normal jabber transport)

Also how does should my code know that a roster entrie is another transpoort
and needs a prensence sending to it ?

many thanks


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