[JDEV] How do we log off from the Icq-transport

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Thu Sep 14 17:17:17 CDT 2000

At 20:34 Uhr +0000 14.09.2000, Amarnath Yara wrote:
>Hi all, I would like to know the XML that must be sent to the 
>ICQ-Transport to log off and log in  from the transport after you 
>register. Is it possible that we temporarily log off from the 
>transport and later log in when we desire. If yes what is  the XML? 
>Any suggestions and help would be appreicated.

Yes, you can. To logout from, say, ICQ-t on jabber.org, send this:
<presence to="icq.jabber.org" type="unavailable"/>

If you want to log back in later on, send this:
<presence to="icq.jabber.org"/>
(sending no type means "available")


Max Horn
C/C++/Internet Development

email: <mailto:max at quendi.de>
   web: <http://www.quendi.de>
phone: (+49) 2621-188947

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