[JDEV] help with pointer bug

mark at mjwilcox.com mark at mjwilcox.com
Sun Sep 3 20:30:53 CDT 2000

I'm sure in the end this will be something elementary, but I can't 
figure it out.

I'm working on mapping jabber's registration elements to LDAP 

I have the hashtable map working and I have an array filled with the 
possible Jabber registration elements.

The LDAP API uses an NULL-terminated array of LDAPMod 
structures to construct the data to populate an LDAP server.

I'm using a while loop to populate this array, using a generic 
function to create the LDAPMod structure for each present Jabber 

Here's the loop (copied directly from source:)
i = 0;
                while (reg_attr[i] != NULL)
                   log_debug("xdb_ldap","reg_attr is %s\n",reg_attr[i]);

                   temp = ghash_get(cfg->registertab,reg_attr[i]);
                   if (temp == NULL)
                     log_debug("xdb_ldap","No reg LDAP mapping for %s",reg_attr[i]);
                      usermod = xdb_ldap_get_mod(temp,xmlnode_get_tag_data(data,reg_attr[i]));  
                      log_debug("xdb_ldap","got %s from xdb_ldap_get_mod",reg_attr[i]);
                   mods[i] = (LDAPMod *)&usermod;
                   log_debug("xdb_ldap","mod type is %s for 
                   log_debug("xdb_ldap","mod type 2 is %s for 
              mods[i] = &ocmod;
              mods[i++] = NULL;  

but each element overwrites all of the data in mods. For example 
lets say that the password element is the 4th element we get from 
jabber. Then mods 0-3 all contain the password attribute data 
instead of their previous values.

I know it's pointer poison. I'm just not sure how to cure it. After 2 
weeks of putting a machine back together at work, those brain 
cells are probably crashed & burning somewhere.

This is in the xdb_ldap.c module.

You can also check out the full source from CVS or browse it on 
the web at:


Mark Wilcox
mark at mjwilcox.com

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