[JDEV] IMUnified - New press release

Eric Bowersox ebowersox at jabber.com
Fri Sep 1 14:35:52 CDT 2000

> A few days ago my friend (who has a talent for guessing 
> people's email 
> addresses) took it upson herself to get in contact with Ross 
> Bagully, who 
> seems to be the main spokesperson for IMUnified.  He's CEO of 
> TribalVoice 
> and is the one quoted in most articles.  He said:
> >I'm at least moderately familiar with Jabber, and don't 
> disagree at all 
> >that communications between ya'all and IM Unified would be a 
> good thing. 
> >As you probably know, this work has been proceeding pretty fast and 
> >furiously. What say we talk in RL to catch up and discuss 
> this. At least, 
> >I return emails! My office is (XXX) XXX-XXXX, and I should 
> be around most 
> >of today and tomorrow, then off for a long holiday weekend. 
> Please call at 
> >your convenience.
> >
> >Ross
> Can we hand this off to someone who would be a good spokesperson for 
> Jabber?  We missed him before the weekend, but I think that 
> someone who is 
> actually a key member of the Jabber team would be more effective than 
> either of us.  Any volunteers?

You might want to pass this information to someone here at Jabber.com, which
might be able to deal with this more effectively.  If you email me the
contact info, I'll be happy to pass it onto someone within our organization
who might be able to deal with this.  (Actually, given that we now know it's
the CEO of TribalVoice, we may have this information already...and I believe
that TribalVoice is headquartered in Denver, as are we...)


Eric J. Bowersox - Jabber.com Inc. - ebowersox at jabber.com
<mailto:ebowersox at jabber.com>   http://www.jabber.com
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"AIM is to Jabber as Notepad is to emacs" - washort, #jabber

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