Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Fri Sep 1 13:33:56 CDT 2000

Quoting Thomas Muldowney <temas at box5.net>:
> Thanks Thomas, this is a great summary and well spoken version of what I
> was trying to get at in my last post to this thread.

  Np, just blathering as usual.  I just happened to apperently be on target 
this time.. ;-P

> I would like to point out that multicast is being looked at for some of the
> massive scaling solutions.  Even though it is a highly specific case, it is
> a great thing.

  This interests me.  Are you thinking about using Multicast to inform several 
jservers of one individuals presence?  That's a darned good idea, I wouldn't 
have thought of it.  I personally tend to hate multicast, but in a backend 
network situation, that'd be a damned good idea..

Thomas Charron
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