[JDEV] Problem installing

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Fri Sep 1 13:27:02 CDT 2000

Quoting Alex Rojo <arojo at kristina.com>:
> Hi!
> I'm not sure if I should send this message to this list but I haven't
> found a better place to send it so:
> I've download everything, compiled all the libraries and jabber server,
> and I've change jserver.xml to fit my server.
> When I run jserver -c /usr/local/etc/jserver.xml I get this message:
> Fri Sep  1 18:47:56 2000  error/jserver Configuration using
> /usr/local/etc/jserver.xml failed
> Configuration using /usr/local/etc/jserver.xml failed
> I would like to know if it is possible to get more info from jserver
> about the error, or if anybody can tell me what can be wrong.

  Pass -D on the command line.  Chances are, it sounds like jserver can't read 
the file due to permisions, or it's not actually there.  Since you gave it the 
path, I'm going to assume it's a permisions issue..

Thomas Charron
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