Peter Donald donaldp at mad.scientist.com
Fri Sep 1 10:53:03 CDT 2000

At 09:53  1/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
>	But why are we discussing this?  Jabber is quite firmly TCP at
>this point.  It would be a MAJOR overhaul to change, and the benefits
>just aren't really there.  

Well basically put I am writing a messaging server from scratch using
Apache Avalon Server Framework. I went and talked to different groups who
had tried out jabber and other IM solutions. Currently all of them chose
ICQ. The reason was scalability. They could afford to dedicate 1 machine
max to IM but Jabber is not scalable enough to deal with the communities. 

The reason Jabber wasn't adopted was purely because of this. I like Jabber
and would like to use it as a base for IM but unfortunately TCP doesn't
massively scale easily. Hence I planeto build Jabber-over-UDP as a solution
and hopefully then I can stop them using evil proprietry protocols =)

I am not trying to dis or troll here but the fact of the matter is that
Jabber just couldn't stack up in large environments. I want to see an OS
solution and Jabber if at all possible. However I have to live in real
world where scalability is an issue.

Anyway I haven't started the server yet and wont for some time so I should
shut up until I have something to show.



| "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want |
| to test a man's character, give him power."          |
|       -Abraham Lincoln                               |

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