[JDEV] AIM Transport Question

Hans Henrik Fuxelius fuxen at hem.passagen.se
Wed May 24 15:53:05 CDT 2000

Hi Niklas!

I have not been able to compile the latest versions of AIM transport, but 
as soon as I can, I will update Hotjabber.com !!

/Hans Henrik Fuxelius

fuxen at lagerlov.jabber.nu

At 16:24 2000-05-24 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Just wondering, did AIM transport ever work, will it work again and will
>it stay up? I know this is about AOL blocking but I read somwhere that
>AOL isnt blocking the jabber transport, but then why doesnt it work on
>any of the jabberservers i tried wich are: jabber.com, jabber.org and
>/Best regards, Niklas Olund
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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