[JDEV] Cool article in Yahoo/ZDnet

Duane Maxwell dmaxwell at exobox.com
Fri May 19 13:45:38 CDT 2000

In an earlier email, I wrote:
>In the meantime, we're all able to talk to Tom Bender's aunt, which is all
>that really matters for the moment.

It has been pointed out to me that this could be interpreted as a flame at
Tom.  It was meant as a joke to point out that we should be worried more
about functionality and stop worrying about the occasional inaccurate
article.  I think the example Tom gave is a great example of the strength
of Jabber's transports.

Sorry for any misunderstanding.

-- Duane

Duane Maxwell              dmaxwell (at) exobox.com
CTO                           http://www.exobox.com
exobox, Inc.        (858)348-3040  FAX(858)348-3099

Information contained herein is my personal opinion
       and not necessarily that of exobox.

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