[JDEV] Unexpected 406 return code

Will Morton will.morton at cwcom.net
Thu May 4 10:15:07 CDT 2000

	Apologies if this has been sent to this list before, but I can't find
it in the archives. I'm having trouble registering users on our (early)
development Jabber server. When I establish a connection, after setting
up the <stream:stream>, I send the following, as per the

<iq type="get" id="(whatever)" to="(servermachine)"
from="foo at flarp.com"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"/></iq>

	I get back an 406 error, specifically:

<iq type='error' id='(whatever)'><query
xmlns='jabber:iq:register'/><error code='406'>Not

	If I skip this bit, but instead just go ahead with the registration as

<iq type="set" id="(whatever)" to="(servermachine)"
from="foo at flarp.com"><query
xmlns="jabber:iq:register"><username>will</username><password>flarp</password><name>Will</name><email>will at flarp.com</email></query></iq>

	then everything works fine, the user is created etc. What am I doing
wrong? This error occurs whether I'm netcatting on and writing XML by
hand, by WinJab or by Jabba.
	Help gratefully recieved


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