[JDEV] Technical Documentation

Kurt D. Starsinic kstar at orientation.com
Fri Mar 31 13:43:35 CST 2000

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 01:02:17AM -0600, temas wrote:
> Reply-To: 
> Hey all!
> I'm revamping the technical documentation project, and have a few questions for
> everyone.  I have already started a large document containg all the tags used 
> in jabber, but I need to know what else people need to see?  Where are you
> having the most problems when trying to implement a client or part of jabber?
> Any clues as to what order you feel I should tackle the technical documentation
> would be most appreciated.  Here is a preliminary list of documentation that I
> had in mind:
> - Jabber Protocol Guide
>   * Tag listing
>   * Implementation Notes 
>   * Client Guidelines
> - Introduction To Transport Programming
> - Introduction To Module Programming
> - Others I can't remember cause I'm tired _g_
> Please let me know of any order of importance or other ideas of technical
> documentation that you feel is necessary.

    How about information about migrating users from 0.8 servers to 0.9
servers, and information on hand-crafting user accounts for 0.9 servers?

* Kurt Starsinic (kstar at orientation.com) ---------- Senior Network Engineer *
|              `Order, vast and generative, arises naturally.'              |
*               -- Stuart Kauffman, _At Home in the Universe_               *

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