[JDEV] Source for JabberCOM

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Wed Mar 22 12:59:17 CST 2000

Quoting Jose Venceslau <venceslau at mailandnews.com>:
> I've had the same problem. 
> I wonder if Thomas Charron could shed some light into this.
> Thanks !

  Wow, someone mentioned my name..  ;-P  It's in jabberoo, but if you're 
looking for anything but Delphi source code, you're out of luck.  The COM 
component is all written in Delphi..  This, of course, shouldn't matter at all, 
as anything that can use COM itself can simply use what's already implemented.

Thomas Charron
<< Wanted: One decent sig >>
<< Preferably litle used  >>
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