[JDEV] Server Platforms

Steve Kerr skerr at jabber.com
Tue Jun 13 12:13:44 CDT 2000


If you are looking at employment opportunities with jabber.com you can give
me a call at the numbers below.  We are always looking for good developers
to come on board.

As for the threading libraries, Jer is the man to talk to on that.  I'll
make sure to pass this on to him (but I'm sure he has already seen it).

-- Steve

Steve Kerr
Director of Professional Services
Jabber.com, Inc
1899 Wynkoop St, Suite 700
Denver, CO  80202
Voice: 303-296-9200 x299
Email: skerr at jabber.com
Web: www.jabber.com
Jabber username: steve at jabber.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Fritchman [mailto:jfritch at home.com]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:37 PM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Server Platforms

I have to agree with Kurt...  it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to
build the jabber server with libraries that are not cross-platform
compatible when there are already similar libraries that are cross-platform.

Also, what is the deal with jabber.com?  Are they hiring developers or is it
still all open source volunteers?  Who is a good person to talk to at
jabber.com to talk about this?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kurt D. Starsinic" <kstar at orientation.com>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Server Platforms

> On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 01:37:40PM -0600, Eric Bowersox wrote:
> > We've been kicking around the idea of doing a straight source port to
> > using the Cygwin toolkit.  The one problem in this is the pth
> > library, which does not appear to be compatible with Cygwin.  We've
> > some workarounds, to no avail thusfar...and, sadly, without that
> > the server appears to be unusable.
> >
> > The only other alternative would be a full rewrite strictly for Win32,
> > which, as you can imagine, is not our favorite prospect :-).  If we're
> > serious about wanting a Win32 Jabber server, however, that may be the
> > way to do it right...
> >
> > Sorry I don't have better news for you.
>     Yikes!  Why are we using libpth, if it's not Win32 compatible?  POSIX
> threads are ubiquitous in the UNIX world these days, and they're more
> widely understood and supported, IMNSHO . . . .
>     Peace,
> * Kurt Starsinic (kstar at orientation.com) ---------- Senior Network
Engineer *
> |      `It is always possible to aglutenate multiple separate problems
> |       into a single complex interdependent solution.  In most cases
> |       this is a bad idea.' - Ross Callon
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