[JDEV] AIM @ jabber.com

Jerrad Pierce belg4mit at CALLOWAY.MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 5 11:46:53 CDT 2000

In reply to your message from the not too distant future: next Monday AD
Reply-to: belg4mit at mit.edu
Return-receipt-to: belg4mit at mit.edu
Organization: a) Discordia b) none c) what's that?
Content-Typo: gibberish, charset=ascii-art
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 12:46:51 EDT
From: Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit>

>> Two, does the aim transport actually cue messages for AIM users and
>> pass them along whne the user connects? If so, does it add some
>> text indicating the current status of the sender?

>I just tested this and it appears that it does not queue up messages for
>offline users. When I try to send a message to an offline AIM user, I get
>the reply error:

><message from='aim.jabber.org' type='error'><error code='502'>The user you
>tried to message is not online</error></message>

Well yes, my client gets that message. But is the transport ACTUALLY queing the
message? Or is that the defacto manner in which the jabber server willrespond
in attempts to send to an offline user (the transport being none the wiser...)?

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MOTD on Sweetmorn, the 10th of Confusion, in the YOLD 3166:

"But we'll never survive!" "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

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