[JDEV] Calling all client developers! (survey)

Keith Minkler kminkler at jabber.com
Mon Jul 31 09:40:14 CDT 2000

I'll put all my "clients" =} in here..

On Sat, Jul 29, 2000 at 04:13:45PM -0500, Matt Shook wrote:
> As part of the Jabber Documentation Project
> http://www.jabber.org/proj/Jabber%20Documentation%20Project/
> we are trying to compile a list of all current Jabber clients.  If you
> want your client to be included in this list please reply to me at
> shook at iname.com
> We plan to incorporate the results of this survey into a database that
> developers will be able to log into and update.
> Thank you for your time and responses.
> -Matt Shook
> 1.  What is your client's name?
> 2.  What platform(s)/OS(s) does it run on? (i.e. Windows32, Unix,
>     multiplatform, web, etc.)

> 3.  What systems has it been confirmed to run on?  (i.e. Debian Linux
> with 
>     Helix Gnome, Windows NT Service Pack 4, FreeBSD with Perl 5x, etc.)
Jabba: winNT, win9x,Linux/Wine
Wijit: winNT, win9x
gcWijit: winNT, win9x
> 4.  Who is your target user? (i.e. Power User, IM Newbie, Everyone,
> etc.)
Jabba: more power user-ish
wijit: everyone
gcWijit: everyone-power user (prolly needs to know what groupchat is) =]
> 5.  What is the status of the current release?  (Fully Released, stable
>     beta, unstable, not-yet-released, etc.)
Jabba: stagnent
Wijit: stagnent, but just updated recently with new jabberoo
gcWijit: stagnent
> 6.  What is the interface style of your client?  (AIM-style,
>     command-line, Indescribable Winjab style, etc.)
Jabba: icq style
Wijit: Indescribable wijit style =}  basically just a tray app, no roster gui, message only
gcWijit: tray app, gropuchat only
> 7.  What Programming Language is your client coded in?  Also, is source
>     code available?  Is CVS access available and where?)
Visuall C++ / jabberoo library
jabba + gcWijit need OLD version of jabberoo temporarliy available at http://jabber.dyndns.org/jabberoo.zip
jabba: CVS @ jabber.org win32-jabba module
wijit: download.jabber.org/win32/wijits

> 8.  What distribution license/system do you have?  (ie GPL, shareware,
>     proprietary, etc.)
> 9.  What is the URL for you client?
jabba: http://www.jabber.org/proj/Jabba or http://jabber.dyndns.org for some screanshots
wijit: none
> 10. Who is the lead developer(s), and what are his/her e-mail, JID,
> etc.?
me, (keith Minkler) email: kminkler at jabber.com jid: tsbandit at jabber.org

> 11. Are you seeking development help?  What kind?  Who should people
> contact about
>     this?
I would like to have a competent successor for Jabba/wijits jabba needs to be rewritten with the new version of jabberoo, I just don't have the time anymore ={
> *** Client Features ***  
> Please answer these questions about your client's features "Yes" "No"
> "Future" or "Never".  If you want to add a little more explanation to
> your answer, feel free to do so.
> 1. Basic Chat
Jabba/wijit: yes
gcWijit: no
> 2. Basic Messeges
Jabba/wijit: yes
gcWijit: no
> 3. Roster Display
Jabba: yes (display by group or user)
wijit/gcwijit: no
> 4. Roster Management
Jabba: yes
wijit/gcwijit: no
> 5. Group Managment
Jabba: yes
wijit/gcwijit: no
> 6. Agent registration
Jabba: yes
wijit/gcWijit: no
> 7. Group Chat
Jabba/gcWijit: yes
wijit: no
> 8. vCard Viewing
> 9. vCard Editing
> 10. Headline Management
> 11. SSL
Jabba started to support stunnel (has an option for it), but NOT intuitive AT ALL
> 12. IRC Commands (/nick /msg, etc.)
> 13. Autupdate
> 14. File transfer
Jabba: yes
wijits: no
> 15. Digest Authentication
> 16. Any other features I didn't mention.
not really
> *** Place any other comments about your client here ***
Jabba hasn't been updated in a VERY long time.. it needs a successor =}
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> jabber: mwshook at jabber.org
> ICQ:    14200976
> AIM:    matthewwshook
> Homepage:
>  http://members.xoom.com/mwshook/
> See what I've been up to:
>  http://livejournal.com/users/mwshook
> GnuPG Public key at:
>  http://members.xoom.com/mwshook/mwshook.asc
> Hash: SHA1
> As part of the Jabber Documentation Project
> http://www.jabber.org/proj/Jabber%20Documentation%20Project/
> we are trying to compile a list of all current Jabber clients.  If you
> want your client to be included in this list please reply to me at
> shook at iname.com
> We plan to incorporate the results of this survey into a database that developers will be able to log into and update.
> Thank you for your time and responses.
> - -Matt Shook
> 1.  What is your client's name?
> 2.  What platform(s)/OS(s) does it run on? (i.e. Windows32, Unix,
>     multiplatform, web, etc.)
> 3.  What systems has it been confirmed to run on?  (i.e. Debian Linux with 
>     Helix Gnome, Windows NT Service Pack 4, FreeBSD with Perl 5x, etc.)
> 4.  Who is your target user? (i.e. Power User, IM Newbie, Everyone, etc.)
> 5.  What is the status of the current release?  (Fully Released, stable
>     beta, unstable, not-yet-released, etc.)
> 6.  What is the interface style of your client?  (AIM-style,
>     command-line, Indescribable Winjab style, etc.)
> 7.  What Programming Language is your client coded in?  Also, is source
>     code available?  Is CVS access available and where?)
> 8.  What distribution license/system do you have?  (ie GPL, shareware,
>     proprietary, etc.)
> 9.  What is the URL for you client?
> 10. Who is the lead developer(s), and what are his/her e-mail, JID, etc.?
> 11. Are you seeking development help?  What kind?  Who should people contact about
>     this?
> *** Client Features ***  
> Please answer these questions about your client's features "Yes" "No" "Future" or "Never".  If you want to add a little more explanation to your answer, feel free to do so.
> 1. Basic Chat
> 2. Basic Messeges
> 3. Roster Display
> 4. Roster Management
> 5. Group Managment
> 6. Agent registration
> 7. Group Chat
> 8. vCard Viewing
> 9. vCard Editing
> 10. Headline Management
> 11. SSL
> 12. IRC Commands (/nick /msg, etc.)
> 13. Autupdate
> 14. File transfer
> 15. Digest Authentication
> 16. Any other features I didn't mention.
> *** Place any other comments about your client here ***
> - -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> jabber: mwshook at jabber.org
> ICQ:    14200976
> AIM:    matthewwshook
> Homepage:
>  http://members.xoom.com/mwshook/
> See what I've been up to:
>  http://livejournal.com/users/mwshook
> GnuPG Public key at:
>  http://members.xoom.com/mwshook/mwshook.asc
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Seahorse v0.4.9 http://seahorse.sourceforge.net
> iD8DBQE5g0iJ9RrzoTbydTsRAj8YAJ0YZylz5uUgSdRK7fIz9Iyvp1A4/wCfS5iT
> h0O9o9MGunG6+dbAlxDh9sQ=
> =9Po+

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