[JDEV] encrypted connection besides SSL

mark at mjwilcox.com mark at mjwilcox.com
Sun Jul 30 16:32:30 CDT 2000

On 30 Jul 00, at 11:52, Jerrad Pierce wrote:

> Additionally, you don't really need SSL to have encrypted connections either.
> A chaining block cipher would work just as well. For examples see the HCE::*
> modules for Perl.
The problem with that is that it's not a standard SSL (and TLS) are 
the accepted standard for encrypting Internet based applications 
(outside of shell access, where SSH rules). The necessary 
infrastructure is there to issue certificates for servers and jabberd 
already has support for SSL on the server.

The biggest problem is on the clients. But I figure if jabbernaut can 
get it cooking on the Mac, that removes the biggest hurdle since 
there are standard SSL APIs for Windows and UNIX.

Your idea proposed here might be useful in an environment where 
you're customizing jabber (for example using Jabber to report 
system monitoring) and you'd rather use a completely open 
standard without having to resort to using something like Verisign 
certs & you're supporting yourself.


> -- 
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>    .oooooooooooo.oo.                  .  .    .       . /\    .      /  :IMM\
>   ..oooooooooooo..oo.   Jerrad Pierce              /\  /  \         /   ;IIWMM
>   ..oooooooooo.......   209 North Street     +    /  \ /  \  .     /   ;IIIIWM
>   ...ooooooooo.......   Randolph, MA 02368        /  \     \  ___/   :;IIIIIWM
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>    .....ooo.........    http://www.pthbb.org     /    \     \   :     :::;IIIM
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Mark Wilcox
mark at mjwilcox.com

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