[JDEV] digest and ldap and authentication

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Sun Jul 30 07:44:49 CDT 2000

I have to admit that I have little to no knowledge about LDAP, so 
please forgive my ignorance.

As I understand it, you have to authenticate with LDAP. To do so, you 
need a plaintext password in any case.

So there are exactly two options if one wants to achieve this:

1) Force the user to send his LDAP password *in plaintext* to the 
server. Whether it is equal to the jabber password or not doesn't 
matter at this point.

2) The LDAP db has to store the LDAP password for an entry *in* that 
entry in *plaintext*, too

to 1) of course one could say that for a secure connection the user 
just has to establish a SSL connection. Doing this is only possible 
when a) servers support SSL (a vast majority doesn't; it's not that 
easy anyway, the admins have to find out the steps anyway, due to the 
lack of documentation). And b), it'll require a certification system, 
otherwise it's prone to fall to DNS spoof attacks.
So, we need certs. The server gotta have a cert, and the clients need 
to ask the user for trust into that cert, then they have to store the 
cert locally to use it for future server verification.
On unix it might be possible to achieve this via stunnel, but I can't 
they as I'm not a unix man... Anyone can clarify this?

to 2): I agree to mark, this is not a realistic approach. Forget it I'd say.

>sheath and I are going to concentrate on getting the plaintext
>authentication to work first and worry about the digest password

Wise decision :)


Max "The Black Fingolfin" Horn
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