[JDEV] Transferring from jabber.com to jabber.org

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Thu Jul 27 13:59:14 CDT 2000

Quoting "Paul L. McNeely" <drderail at i.am>:
> What if after the transfer jabber notified each contact that the contact
> moved. I mean an automated message telling a person that a person has moved
> their contact point should suffice. If not possibly give them the option to
> have themselves be removed. Or perhaps there is a way for a jabber server
> to
> link to the other server and use the server as a proxy of sorts temporarily
> sending the contact list to the other server?

  Then you provide a way to globally hijack your ID, and move it somewhere 
else.  It'd be like coming home one day, to find your house is *NO LONGER 
THERE*, with no signs as to where it went..  ;-P

Thomas Charron
<< Wanted: One decent sig >>
<< Preferably litle used  >>
<< and stored in garage.  ?>>

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