[JDEV] Jabber.org documents in one download ?

Eliot Landrum eliot at landrum.cx
Wed Jul 19 03:29:49 CDT 2000

FYI and anyone else's... A pre-release version of JPG is available in a tarball with PDF, HTML, and PS outputs as well as the original SGML:


On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 10:50:15AM +1000, Peter Donald wrote:
> At 07:47  9/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 10:25:04AM +1000, Peter Donald wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> would it be possible to package up the documents into one load or even
> >> better put the source for the documents on the web somewhere ? Or perhaps
> >> the whole website  ?
> >
> >Perhaps... now is kind of an in-between spot for documents as we're moving
> nearly everything to JPG (Jabber Programmers Guide). You can check the SGML
> source of JPG out of CVS under the module "jpg" ...
> kewl ... but kewl me stupid - I couldn't find a link to cvs url on web
> pages. There is a cvs.jabber.org but I wasn't sure of rep path so  .... ??? 
> > Also there seem to be many many websites of the form *.jabber.org. However
> >> I only found out about each by trial and error - is there a link map for
> >> all jabber sites ?
> >
> >That's because they aren't supposed to exist anymore. That's all old stuff
> and should probably be ignored unless it's docs.j.o or protocol.j.o. Even
> those two may have old junk.. within a month we'll have all the good stuff
> into JPG so we can truly get rid of the old sites. (Not to worry,
> protocol.j.o will still have the DTDs in their proper places!
> :P kewl. I won't be seriously implementing stuff till november/december so
> I can live with that. 
> Cheers,
> Pete
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Eliot Landrum
eliot at landrum.cx

-Soli Deo Gloria-
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