[JDEV] [Fwd: Cool idea! (Jabphone ;-)]

Peter Donald donaldp at mad.scientist.com
Thu Jul 20 20:30:22 CDT 2000

At 03:16  21/7/00 +0200, you wrote:
>> Have a look at voxml.org, this could be what you need.
>> Steve
>This is not really what i was thinking of.
>They want to do speech-recognition and send text.
>I meant client-to-client-streamed-audio-transport.
>(is my english really THAT bad ? ;-)
>I'd really like to start this project but i might need some

Anyways there is already something out there called speakeasy (I believe at
www.speakeasy.org or something similar) that does part of this.



| "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want |
| to test a man's character, give him power."          |
|       -Abraham Lincoln                               |

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