[JDEV] jabbercom question

Fernando Chilvarguer fernando at impex.com
Wed Jul 5 16:57:12 CDT 2000

This question is regarding the subscription functionality of Jabbercom.dll
Here is the scenario:
2 users: user1 and user2
1. User1 subscribes to user2. A subscription of type 2 ('to') show up on the
subscription type for user1 and a type 1 ('from') shows up on the
subscription type for user2
2. User2 subscribes to user1. Subscription type 3 ('both') shows for both
3. User2 unsubscribes to user1. Here's my problem. Instead to going back to
the status after action 1 (user1 has subType of 2 and user2 has subType 1) I
get a subType of 0 ('none') for both users. The problem is that user1 never
unsubscribed to user2 and now it stops receiving presence information.

Is this a designed behavior? How can I implement it in such a way that when
user2 unsubscribes to user1, user1 continues to receive user2's presence

PS: Peter, thanks for the last response!

-----Original Message-----
From: Eliot Landrum [mailto:eliot at landrum.cx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 7:22 AM
To: jdev at jabber.org
Subject: Re: [JDEV] search namespace

Chetan -

Sorry about that.. I've fixed that URL. 


And yes, WinJab implements jabber:iq:search.

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 06:51:19PM +0530, Chetan S. Ithal wrote:
>    Hi All ,
>                 Has anyone used 'search' namespace . The links on the
> website are missing !!! ....
> Thanks ....
> Chetan S. Ithal .
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Eliot Landrum
eliot at landrum.cx
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-Soli Deo Gloria-

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