[JDEV] Cannot run jabber server

John Hebert john at vedalabs.com
Fri Dec 22 10:59:13 CST 2000

Vladimirr wrote:
>     Hello to all!
> I have strong impression, that current "stable" distribution
> for Jabber 1.2 server
> on download.jabber.org doesn't work. May be libraries not
> from this release, or jabber.xml, or some more ...
> I compiled everything, but trying to run got error,
> and jabberd refused to work.
> .....
> ./jabberd/jabberd -D&


> ERROR: Invalid id name: c2s
>    I use standart jabber.xml in jabber root directory.
> If I change there id="c2s" to id="pthsock_client"
> and id="s2s" to id="pthsock_server" (this changes nowhere documented)
> jabberd starts, but any attempt to connect from client results in
> client message "Server don't send session id" and no connection made.
>     What is wrong?


I've gotten the standard install to work locally. The only changes
needed for jabber.xml are to modify <host>localhost</host> or you can
try: jabberd -h yourhostnameORip -D.

The debug output was useful, but seeing your jabber.xml would help more.
Please post your jabber.xml file here as well.

John Hebert

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