[JDEV] ICQ transport ports and firewall

guy segal at telemessage.com
Thu Dec 21 07:54:45 CST 2000

I'm working behind a firewall so I use the following lines in my
icq_trans.xml file:
      <ports min="2000" max="4000"/>

When I run icqtransport -D I get the following error:
Tue Dec 19 12:50:48 2000  error/config.c:161 <firewall> configuration not
icqtransport: configuration file error

What's wrong with the configuration file and how can I set the transport to
work on specific ports?

Guy Segal
TeleMessage Ltd.

Email:   segal at telemessage.com
Phone:  972-3-9200916
Mobile:  972 - 53- 411723
Fax    :  972-3-9225253

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