[JDEV] stunnell

Sean Wieland windwalker at peacefire.org
Thu Dec 21 02:09:45 CST 2000

Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:44:09AM -0500, Sean Wieland wrote:
> > Has anyone tried using stunnel the "universal SSL wrapper" with the
> > Jabber server?  If so, with what success and what issues were there?
> > What does everyone think of just using stunnel to add SSL/TSL
> > functionality to Jabber (which seems to be in spirit with Jabber design
> > philosophy).
> This is do-able. We can also add SSL to jpoold. The problem here is, that
> SSL is not the best solution since the jabber framework is a distributed
> one. We are much better with Message Encryption and Signing. This add such a
> lot benefits:
> - you do not need to trust the routing servers
> - you can archive the messages and verify the sender all times
> - you do not need special spoofing preventions between servers
> - we do not need to spend vauable CPU cycles on servers with SSL
> Of course it will chnage the way jabber messages look like, since most of
> the namespaces besides the routing tags will be inside an encryption
> envelop.

Why not do both?  SSL/TSL for the TCP connections and GPG for message
encryption and signing?

> Greetings
> Bernd


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"Most people would rather die than think, and most people do." 
                                       -- Bertrand Russell

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