[JDEV] Jabber on a CD

John Hebert john at vedalabs.com
Wed Dec 20 11:56:54 CST 2000


What about including some of the relevant W3 specifications, like XML
1.0, etc? and maybe the current archives of JDEV? or maybe a snapshot of
the jabber.org site (is it copyrighted in any way?)?

I agree with the earlier suggestion to charge separately for the shirt.
The CD should be priced very low, see http://www.cheapbytes.com for a
comparison, otherwise ppl will just download the same material. The
T-shirt: $15 - $20, depending on quality.

Your list of included files can't be more than 150MB, so you should have
plenty of room left over. Heck, throw in a minimal starter Linux/BSD
distro or two. If your idea takes off, you might want to contact some
XML/C/Python/Java tool/IDE publishers and include some of their stuff as
well. You might even defray the costs of the CD this way to $0.

Great idea! Good luck.

John Hebert

Todd Bradley wrote:
> I'd love to hear your thoughts in
> a few different areas:  Do you think this would be useful in helping promote
> Jabber?  What price seems reasonable?  What else would you want included if
> you bought this?
> You get...
> ISO 9660 CDROM with:
>         open source Jabber server
>         open source transports (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, and MSN)
>         groupchat
>         open source Jabber clients
>         full source code for all the above
>         prebuilt static binaries of the above--Linux 2.2 or Windows 2000
>         example server config files
> "Introducing Jabber" document in HTML or PDF, covering:
>         installing your Jabber server
>         configuring your Jabber server
>         installing and using your Jabber client
>         where to go for more information
> Jabber t-shirt in M, L, XL, or XXL
> What's the right price? $9.95, $24.95, or $34.95? (plus shipping)
> I'd like to be able to at least break even on material and manufacturing
> costs, and labor costs, too, if possible.
> Todd.

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